Reverend Robert Kroll
Weddings ~ Baptisms ~ Memorials
~ Sample Wedding Ceremony Program ~
To get an idea of the types of elements that can be included in a wedding ceremony, review the sample program below. Remember, this is your wedding; your ceremony can be as simple or as creative as you desire. Don't worry though, to get you started I will develop a sample ceremony outline for you, based on the information you provide. We can then work on your wedding ceremony together.
Don't worry about the number of possibilities below. Not every wedding ceremony requires them all. Most wedding ceremonies are between 20-30 minutes in length from start to finish although yours can be as long or as short as your prefer. It's up to the bride and groom to decide how long or how short they want their wedding to be. I will explain each formality below when we meet or over the phone. The only 4 legal requirements are listed in red.
- Prelude
- Seating of the Guests
- Seating of the Mothers / Parents
- Lighting of the Candles for Unity Candle
- Procession of the Bridal Party
- #1 The Minister, Groom & Groomsmen take their places followed by Bridal Party
- #2 The Minister & Groom enter, the Groomsmen escort Bridal Party
- Procession of the Bride
- The Welcome & Greeting
- Prayer of Thanksgiving
- The Presentation & Giving away of the Bride
- Soloist or Special Song
- Honoring of parents or family member / Rose Gift.
- Statement of Purpose
- Declaration of Intent
- Word of Encouragement to Couple
- Exchange of Marriage Vows
- Exchange of Wedding Rings
- Recognition / Dedication of Children
- Lighting of the Unity Candle / Sand Ceremony / Breaking of the Glass
- Hands Ceremony / Lasso Blessing / Las Arras "Coins" / Hand Fasting / Tree Planting
- Scripture Reading / Poem
- Prayer of Blessing
- Pronouncement of Marriage
- Wedding Kiss
- Rose Exchange
- Presentation of the Newlywed Couple
- Dove Release
- Recessional
- Bubble Reception
- Signing of Marriage License
- The Celebration begins
As you can see, there are many possibilities of what can be included in a wedding ceremony. It's up to the bride & groom to decide what they want their ceremony to look like. The good news is that I am here to help you, each step of the way. Together we will develop the most memorable, unique and most beautiful wedding ceremony you have ever imagined.